Collection of phone screens
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Mobile Toolkit

Inspired by Material Design and created using Figma, this toolkit can be used to create mobile app prototypes.

System Icons

Icon dimensions and grid


Each icon is 24dp x 24dp. This consists of 2dp of padding around a 20 x 20 live area. Each icon has a stroke of 2dp and stays within the live area.

Four basic shapes were used to guide each icon's design and to maintain sizing consistency.

Horizontal rectangle icon on gridVertical rectangle icon on grid

Horizontal Rectangle

Vertical Rectangle

Width: 20dp
Height: 16dp

Width: 16dp
Height: 20dp

Square icon on gridCircular icon on grid



Width: 18dp
Height: 18dp

Diameter: 20dp

Collection of system icons



Secondary (optional)




Inactive Elements

Type (dark)

Type (light)

Colours include a primary and optional secondary colour for major components such as bars, controls, and buttons. The accent colour should be applied to important elements such as notification bubbles or floating action buttons, and should otherwise be used sparingly.


Typographic styles


App bar with three navigation tabs

App bar and navigation containing:

  • Page Title
  • Tab
Card with image, text, and action buttons - title above image

Card containing:

  • Card Title
  • Card Subtitle
  • Card Body
  • Buttons
Dialog box with radio buttons and a list of items

Dialog box containing:

  • Card Header
  • Item Name
  • Buttons


Bottom Navigation Bar

The bottom navigation bar is the primary form of navigation for an app, and it is used to move laterally between essential, top-level destinations. The bar has a height of 56dp and spans the width of the screen.

Bottom navigation bar measurementsBottom navigation bar button measurements
Bottom navigation with five iconsBottom navigation with four iconsBottom navigation with three icons


Tabs allow users to navigate laterally between related groups of content.

App bar with three navigation tabs
Four navigation tabsThree navigation tabsTwo navigation tabs

Navigation Drawer

A navigation drawer provides access to app destinations and other functions such as settings and account switching. The drawer may open from the side of the screen or from the bottom.

Navigation drawer dimensions

From the Side

Navigation drawer opening from the left side

From the Bottom

Navigation drawer opening from the bottom

App Bars

A top app bar contains the page title and action buttons relevant to that page. These app bars must be consistent in their appearance, layout, and placement. They span the width of the screen and may be 56dp or 128dp in height.


App bar dimensions -  centered titleApp bar dimensions - three action buttonsApp bar dimensions - tall


App bar with one action button and centered page titleApp bar with two action buttons and left aligned page titleApp bar with three action buttons and left aligned page titleBar with three action buttons, left aligned page title, and a back buttonApp bar with three action buttons and left aligned page titleApp bar with one action button and a centered page titleTall app bar with three action buttons and left aligned page title


Cards display content such as text and images, as well as relevant actions.


Image and Information

Dimensions for large cards with images


Dimensions for small cards with list items


Card with restaurant informationCard with album information and ratingCard with a list of three items and checkboxes
Card with image, text, and action buttons - title below imageCard with image, text, and action buttons - title above imageCard with descriptive text beside a small image


Dialogs display important information and may prompt the user to make a decision. These disable all other app functionality until the user dismisses them or takes the required action. Dialog boxes are 128dp wide.


Text dialog box with two action buttonsDialog box with a list of itemsDialog box with radio buttons and a list of items


Text dialog box with two action buttonsDialog box with a list of itemsDialog box with radio buttons and a list of items

Buttons and Chips

Buttons communicate actions. They take a variety of forms depending on the importance of the action.

Text Buttons

Text button dimensions

Height: 36dp
Margins: 16dp

Text buttons

Contained Buttons

Contained button dimensions

Height: 36dp
Margins: 16dp

Contained buttons

Floating Action Buttons (FAB)

These buttons perform the primary/most common action on a screen. They appear to ""float" above the rest of the screen content. There should only be one FAB on a screen.

Floating action button dimensions

Regular FAB

Diameter: 56dp

Mini floating action button dimensions

Mini FAB

Diameter: 40dp

Large and mini floating action buttons


Chips represent discrete information and allow the user to filter content, or make selections.

Chip dimensions

Height: 36dp
Margins: 16dp




Switches are used to toggle a feature on or off. Switches that are toggled on should be more visible than those that are toggled off.

Switch dimensionsSwitches

Left: On
Right: Off

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are used to select a single option from a list. They are 20dp in diameter and have 2dp of padding.

Radio buttons

Left: Selected
Right: Unselected


Checkboxes are used when users can select multiple items from a list. They are 20dp by 20dp with 2dp of padding.


Left: Checked
Right: Unchecked


Sliders are used to select a value from a range. They may be continuous, allowing users to select any value, or discrete, only allowing users to select specific values.

Slider dimensions




Discrete slider

Text Fields

Text fields allow users to enter text. They have a minimum height of 56dp and are 328dp in width.


Dimensions for an unselected text field
Unselected text field with bottom borderText field with full border


Dimensions for a selected text field
Selected text field with bottom borderSelected text field with full border

Active, with Icons

Dimensions for a selected text field with icon
Selected text field with icons and bottom borderSelected text field with full border

Example Screens

Login screenChat screen
Profile ScreenDialog screen
News feed screenSettings screen